Wanted: Trainers who can help participants showing colours

Academic Leadership Journey Level 1

Based on our experience in academic institutes & organizations (universities & research institutes) we have developed a Leadership Programme for Academic Leaders

A unique leadership programme

Professors only! We work with a group of (10 - 16) peers, coming from different universities in the BeNeLux and from various disciplines. All facing similar challenges in the specific context of a university or research organisation. 

We offer a programme built around a carefully chosen set of frameworks applied to university and research context.

An in depth residential learning setting of 4 days in order to get fully immersed: February 4-7, 2025

We ensure a safe environment to discuss & experiment. We act as a "mirror", confronting you with your perceptions, assumptions, behaviours. At the same time offering tools & insights to improve your leadership skills. The purpose is not to change you as a person but to broaden your skillset.

Academic Leadership ...

During this leadership journey we explore the following themes:

  • I Leader: Leadership starts with knowing yourself ... and how to bridge with the preferences of others.
  • It's all about words: how to engage people by being respectful but not cautious.
  • Challenge and support for top performance: leading, coaching, inspiring & motivating people .
  • Shared leadership in extraordinary teams: building trust, ownership and shared leadership in your team
  • Getting things done: a matter of balance & integration: work-life, efficiency-effectiveness, passion-commitment, ...

Common thread: discovering solutions that work for you and approaches based on your own true colours: your talents, your preferences, your allergies & your challenges. The programme is a well defined blend of group training and individual coaching.

What you can expect of this journey



Our journey starts with a personal intake coaching session.  Together we identify your personal learning objectives, explore your personal situation and how you see the future. Also we gather inspiration for case studies to work on during the group sessions.  This session is the start of the personal track in the Academic Leadership Journey.  Also during the group sessions your coach will be available for help, support and mirroring in your individual path.  


Residential GROUP TRAINING Session (February 4-7, 2025)

Mix of theory & practice. The program is built around a carefully chosen set of frameworks that are applied to real cases of the participants. This way we guarantee that the frameworks that are offered are relevant and that each exercise is built around real-life situations of the participants.

The fact that the programme is organized residentially, ensures that you immerge fully in this Journey. 4days in a row, away from your normal daily environment, working on and talking and discussing about academic leadership from early in the morning till late at night



6 to 8 weeks after the programme we organize an individual “outtake” session during which we translate the frameworks and tools offered into your personal “best practices”. A final integration of your lessons learnt, building further on the experiences during the group session.

The Programme

4 day training programme: February 4 -7, 2025
Intakes: December 2024 – January 2025
Outtakes: 6 to 8 weeks after the programme

We work in an inspirational, quiet environment: Open Huis, in Staden (West-Vlaanderen). A sheep farm, breeding ancient and rare races,that is very well suited to work in group and on your own, as well indoor as in the garden.

The training is facilitated by Lisa Boelaert and Wendy Vandenbulck.
Both experienced trainers & facilitators in academic leadership. This will be their 7th academic leadership journey together, next to ample of other joint and seperate relevant journeys.

The programme is exclusively designed for acadmic leaders working at universities, university colleges and other (research) institutes in Belgium and abroad. The fact that the group consists of professors from different universities, nationalities and disciplines, offers multiple perspectives for exchange.
We work with groups of 10 to 16 participants in order to guarantee opportunities for in depth personal learning as well as open and interesting exchange of experiences with multiple others.
The training is conducted in English

1650€ for the 4 day training programme, the intake interview and the follow-up individual coaching session
Early bird fee: 1550€ - register before November 30, 2024!
All materials are included in the price
Approx. 550€ for catering and hotel costs

You can read more about the program in this document

Want to join us on this journey?

You can register for this leadership journey by clicking on the button below Or you can contact us for more information:lisa@truecolours.be or call Lisa on +32 (0)473 750 686. 

Contact Lisa (team Kalico)

Contact Herwig (team Salix MS)

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Yools & Stefaan Oyen