Wanted: Trainers who can help participants showing colours

Academic Leadership Journey Level 2

Based on our experience in academic institutes & organizations (universities & research institutes) we have developed a Leadership Programme for Academic Leaders - Level 2

An in-depth Leadership adventure

Professors only! We work with a group of (10 - 16) peers who have all participated in an Academic Leadership Journey Level 1, coming from different universities in the BeNeLux and from various disciplines. All facing similar challenges in the specific context of a university or research organisation. 

In this programme, we take the next step: a strategic step towards agile, shared leadership, aware of and connected to the specific world you have to strive and thrive in as an academic leader.

3 days (+ arrival on the evening before the programme starts). We choose for a residential Leadership expedition in order to get fully immersed with insights, exercises, experiential learning and nourishing conversations with peers.

Click here to download the brochure.

We provide the frame, we ensure a safe environment to discuss & experiment, and we challenge you and the other participants to continuously give & receive feedback on how you see each other act as a leader, thus making the learning process even more life changing than the first Journey.

Academic Leadership, the next level ...

During this leadership journey we explore the following themes:

  • Embrace Leadership: choose to be a leader and take your claim; develop your learning agenda based on the feedback you receive concerning your personal strengths and pitfalls throughout a 360° feedback prior to the training.
  • Install an agile and innovative team culture: stimulating out-of-the-box thinking, developing agility, combining experimentation with excellence.
  • Navigate the complexity of the academic research field: engaging stakeholders, creating common ground in multi-party collaboration, ensuring continuity when the composition of your team changes (again)
  • Explore the science of teams: facilitating fair decision-making processes, constructively dealing with tensions and conflicts in your team.
  • Develop a compelling purpose and a strong strategic narrative: create a strong pitch and engage team members to take up ownership to make it happen, step by step.

Common thread: discovering solutions that work for you and approaches based on your own true colours: your talents, your preferences, your allergies & your challenges.

What you can expect of this journey


The journey starts with a personal intake coaching session.  Together we identify your personal learning objectives, explore your personal situation and how you see the future. We also gather inspiration for case studies to work on, and we get you started with the concept of the 360° feedback. This 360° feedback experiment that you do between the intake and the programme will provide important information to work with.  


Mix of theory & practice

The program is built around a carefully chosen set of frameworks that are applied to real cases of the participants.

This way we guarantee that the frameworks that are offered are relevant and that each exercise is built around real-life situations of the participants.


6 to 8 weeks after the programme we organize an individual “outtake” session during which we are curious to hear your successes and the things that you still need some help with. The outtake is a final integration of your lessons learnt, building further on the experiences during the group session and your experiments in your own work context after the programme.

Learning group of peers, cross universities, cross disciplines

We work with a group of professors only, who have participated in the Academic Leadership Journey Level 1, in order to increase the opportunities for an open and interesting exchange of experiences. The fact that the group consists of professors from different universities and different disciplines, offers multiple perspectives for all participants. This creates a unique openness to talk about your own questions, cases and challenges.

Residential in depth journey of 3 days (& nights)

The fact that the programme is organized residentially, ensures that you immerge fully in this Journey. It is  3 days in a row, away from your normal daily environment, working on and talking and discussing about academic leadership from early in the morning till late at night

  • Get feedback concerning your personal strengths & pitfalls throughout 360° feedback prior to the programme
  • Genuinely choose to be a leader: why should people say ‘yes’ to you as a leader?
  • How to get team members to take up full commitment?
  • Dare to pitch!
  • Create curiosity and commitment
  • Strengthen your network and have external parties to join & support your dream
  • Facilitate fair decision-making processes
  • Constructively deal with tensions and conflicts in your team
  • Stimulate a team culture in which differences in opinion and background are welcomed
  • Stimulate out-of-the-box thinking
  • Develop agility 
  • Combining experimentation (Good enough for now, safe enough to try) with excellence
  • Create common ground in multi-party collaboration
  • Ensure continuity when the composition of your team changes (again): building your team is a continuous process
  • Keep an overview to be able to do what is needed, when it is needed.

Want to join us on this journey?

You can register for this leadership journey by clicking on the button below Or you can contact us for more information:lisa@truecolours.be or call Lisa on +32 (0)473 750 686. 

Contact Lisa (team Kalico)

Contact Herwig (team Salix MS)

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Yools & Stefaan Oyen