Wanted: Trainers who can help participants showing colours

For your team

You come across challenges in your teamwork or with others? Make choices and agreements and get a new impetus, renewed enthusiasm and tools with which you can move forward.

Does this sound familiar?

Teams have many different forms: a research group, department, daily management, core team, management team, administrative team or lab team. Moreover, they have a varying constellation, team members sometimes emphasize their own individual project or career above all, and team leadership is primarily non-hierarchical.

 We help such teams in how to overcome the following challenges

You are facing a new start or restart with your team, and you want to do it well from the beginning. How do you get started?

You want a teambuilding that goes beyond ‘dancing around in a circle’. Recharging your team’s batteries, tuning the violins, making clear agreements, removing tensions: that's what you're aiming for.

You’re planning a strategic exercise with the team. Where are we now and where do we want to go? The goal: to make (and realize) courageous choices.

You want your team training to develop the team’s skills on one or more relevant teamwork topics.

You’re struggling with a conflict in your team or between teams, and you’re looking for a supportive solution.

We help you achieve this

After each session, you have made new, courageous and necessary choices about your challenges. You are back at the wheel and moving forward again.

You have succeeded in uniting around a common goal, with space for each individual project. 

You have made the necessary team agreements and set out experiments. Everyone knows - and takes up - his/her responsibility.

You get real team tools to function agilely, collaborate, communicate, make decisions, visualize and follow up results, and so on.

You have a framework that enables you to keep a critical eye on your way of working and to continually make adjustments. So, you can continue on your own power.

What will you achieve?

Innovative, challenging ideas | Count on a co-creation of solutions that work for you. We prepare the process thoroughly together and offer a range of real options to trigger new insights.

Bring outside in | You want to be inspired by how others are doing it, in order to gain new insights and experiences. We are familiar with many sectors, and we often set up knowledge exchange between customers to bring outside viewpoints in to your situation.

Everything is covered | Even thorny, difficult points. We provide carefrontation in a safe context: we challenge you in a caring way. Innovative models and surprising working methods surface topics and promote dialogue.

A noticeable difference in your daily reality | No elaborate ‘as-is’ analyses: we focus on what you do want in the future and focus on one topic at a time. After each session, we make agreements and plan experiments. You get down to work and we design the next step based on your feedback.

Something magical | Surprise, inspiration, challenge, new formats, depth: you expect a lot from a team session. We do, too. For us, every workshop is unique and an opportunity to apply relevant, innovative working methods. We test scenarios according to your preferences, and we prepare everything thoroughly with you. That’s what co-creation is about!

The bonus? You can come to us both during and after the process. “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave ..."

How do we achieve results together?

Do you want to make strategic choices to launch or (re)start a team?
Are you, as a temporary team – a consortium or project team, for example – looking for guidance during the kick-off and set-up of project and teamwork structures?
Is your team facing challenges in the light of a structural collaboration with other teams?
Do you, as an existing team, want to recharge, recalibrate or disperse team jitters (the step towards friction)? Or take a well-running team to a higher level?

Whatever your internal or external challenge might be, we work with it in a team workshop – which can be multi-day sessions or ½-day theme workshops. You can count on carefully selected models and creative methods that have proven their success.

Do you, as a team, want to gain specific competencies or skills and translate them directly into your practice, into a new way of working? Then a team training is the right solution for you.

 Together we work on the agreed topics, make decisions and agree on team practices. We inspire you with relevant models and encourage mutual exchange.

Do team members talk about each other instead of with each other? Are certain things not talked about at all, or is there an ‘elephant’ in the room? Are decisions being delayed? Are there open conflicts that you can’t resolve? Or are you, as a leader, involved in the conflict, so objective mediation by you is no longer possible?

In conflict resolution, we take the role of translators. We translate your views to each other and thus help you understand each other and get back to being on speaking terms.

Want to know more or have a casual chat?

Contact us. We listen to your story and think along with you