Wanted: Trainers who can help participants showing colours


We are your partner in crime!

Change what you want to change and evolve with your team or organization to a new balance with more desire and energy. Re-discover your inner guerillero and give yourself the mandate to take pattern-breaking actions. 

Shine! – thanks to your own True Colours - in everything you do.

For yourself

Do you want to become (even) better in your role? Gain skills, knowledge and tools to meet the challenges you face? A sounding board that mirrors and challenges you and helps you to grow? Call on us to clarify your mandate, to discover innovative ideas to fill in that mandate, and to design experiments that will get you started immediately.

For your team

As a team, do you face challenges in your teamwork or in working with others? Make bold choices and clear agreements. Get new zest and enthusiasm to go back at it together. And discover all the tools you need. Go beyond the traditional teambuilding retreats.

For your organization

Vision, mission, strategy, leadership, culture change, organization model: in the coming years, your organization will face numerous challenges. We want to be your partner in crime to tackle them. Make clear choices, get everyone involved, and innovate your way to the future.

Why do clients work with us?

Trustworthy partner in crime

We work in an evidence-based way, focus on short-term interventions within a long-term partnership, and aim for co-creation.

Bold, disruptive solutions

A solid dose of Guerilla Goodness, pattern-breaking experiments, and carefrontation: that's what we're about.

Fast, visible and tangible results

We are implementation consultants, with a focus on tangible do-it-yourself results, tailored to where you want to go.

Contact Herwig (team Salix MS)
+32 (0)498 112 650

Contact Lisa (team Kalico)
+32 (0)473 750 686

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Yools & Stefaan Oyen